Month: November 2023

  • No noise is good news

    We have been working with SAPS to handle the noise issue caused by both legal and illegal establishments. Last weekend, we met with the owners of Madison Avenue / The […]

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  • Weekly RWRAP

    Welcome to the first edition of our weekly round up of what the Rivonia Wide Residents’ Association (RWRA) has been up to.

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  • Housing & Property Development

    Housing & Property Development

    Property development in Rivonia is being driven not by whats best for the community or even the City but for a few officials  and property developers.  It is being impacted […]

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  • Illegal Businesses

    Illegal Businesses

    There are numerous illegal business trading across Rivonia. Based in houses or as street vendors very few of these business have licenses yet trade without restriction.  There are bylaws that […]

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  • The Drug Scourge

    The Drug Scourge

    Street drugs have pervaded our community with schools in particular being affected.  Informal street vendors sell all manner of drugs and drugs are on offer at shopping centres.  The police […]

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  • Noise Pollution

    Noise Pollution

    As a community were are inundated with noise pollution from numerous sources.  Cars playing loud music or with illegal exhaust systems.  Nightclubs and pubs playing music well above accepted limits […]

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  • Speeding & Road Incidents

    Speeding & Road Incidents

    Speeding and reckless driving are the norm on the roads of Rivonia with numerous accidents, road rages incidents and assaults on record. Drivers jump stop streets and ignore the rules […]

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  • Infrastructure


    The infrastructure of Rivonia is falling apart with weekly water pipe bursts and electrical outages.  Our roads are in poor condition. The COJ is playing catchup with limited budget and […]

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